Serious attention and deliberate actions that profoundly focus on advancing the whole child prepares children, unequivocally, for a meaningful and happy life, fulfilling careers, and responsible stewardship and citizenship.
Selecting a STEM Education for Your Child
Education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics has far-reaching implications, and the consequences are much deeper than what many of us may be mindful or conscious of, as we go about our daily lives.
Selecting a School for Your Child Part II
Preparation for college and competing and living in a global economy begins at an early age, at home and in schools.
Selecting a School for Your Child
Preparation for college and competing and living in a global economy begins at an early age, at home and in schools.
Educating the Whole Person
They had become exceedingly, emotionally connected to their teachers and school culture.
Educating the Whole Person
Academics are not enough. Whole child development is essential.
Selecting a STEM Education for Your Child
Education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics has far-reaching implications, and the consequences are much deeper than what many of us may be mindful or conscious of, as we go about our daily lives.
Selecting a School for Your Child Part II
Waldorf schools support the unfolding individuality of each child by awakening the child’s capacity to meet the world, others, and self with warmth of heart, clarity of thought, and strength of purpose.
Selecting a School for Your Child
Preparation for college and competing and living in a global economy begins at an early age, at home and in schools.
Educating the Whole Person – Part Two: Investing Upstream
In years past, the twins would had left the table in a flash before dessert arrived. This year, they kept us glued to our seats until well after dessert had been finished.