Contemplating a move to a senior living community? The region offers many excellent options and choices; possibly one of the top three regions in the U.S.
Senior Living Communities: Academies of Incredible Accumulated Knowledge
Senior living communities comprise a level of accumulated knowledge that could be equivalent to a small college.
Insightful Guide for Selecting a Senior Living Community
I’ve profiled the Delaware Valley Region as possibly one of the top three regions in the U.S. when it comes to quality senior living community.
Mosaic by Willow Valley Communities Presents Twenty Floors of Magnificience
Willow Valley Communities in Lancaster, PA has a 40-year tradition of excellence offering an extraordinary 55+ lifestyle for residents.
Choosing a Senior Living Community
A good plan, whether formal or informal, should incorporate logical steps, a process.
Senior Living Communities: Academies of Incredible Accumulated Knowledge
When I observe residents residing in a senior living community, they are happier and in a much better state of wellbeing than their counterparts that are not a resident of a community.
Life Lived Forward Leads to Willow Valley Communities
Willow Valley Communities’ Lifecare is one of the finest gifts we’ve given ourselves and our children for life. Peace of mind wrapped in a gorgeous campus filled with remarkable, vibrant people.
Insightful Guide for Selecting a Senior Living Community
Given the enormity of the decision to make a lifestyle change to a senior living community and the fact that there is an exceptional array of options available, it’s critical to thoroughly education yourself and take time to explore choices.
Showcasing Senior Living Community Experiences
We are happy to share some of our latest interviews, as well as a cumulative summary of over 100 interviews conducted over a span of 10 years.
Choosing a Senior Living Community – Part Two
There are essentially four types of communities for consideration: Independent Living Communities, Assisted Living Communities, Nursing Home Communities, and Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs).